About-Us » Our Guiding Principles » Technology



The use of technology at D39C goes beyond the traditional use of apps and websites for obtaining knowledge. Students are creators of digital content. Starting in the youngest grades, students will be taught how to think like a designer of digital media. All students will work with video, audio, and computer coding. To be literate in our world no longer means just reading, writing, and math. Our students must be digitally literate to be able to move creatively into their future careers. Our emphasis is on doing and making so all students are expected to play in the digital sandbox and learn what it takes to be a digital citizen.
Digital Literacy
As 21st century citizens, students and teachers at D39C will learn together and explore many digital landscapes. We actively engage in many learning experiences that involve and integrate technology which include computer programming, video editing, online portfolios, and many other 21st century tools for teaching and learning. We believe computer literacy spans across all content areas and learning to use technology appropriately requires practice, learning skills, experimentation, and collaboration. We leverage the power of technology to create content, communicate voice, publish work, and connect globally with people from around the world.
Digital Media
At Design39Campus students will be creating digital media projects while learning academic content. Digital media projects include digital storytelling, video production, stop motion animation, animation, 3D animation, photography, digital music production, and website creation. Student will develop real world skills while collaborating, creating, and sharing their projects with a wide audience. Students will also have an opportunity to go deeper with these types of digital media tools and skills during our afternoon focus or extension time.
Technology in action