Students, Programs » PLTW » Project Lead the Way (PLTW)

Project Lead the Way (PLTW)

PLTW Launch Distinguished School
PLTWProject Lead The Way (PLTW) is an innovative project-based learning program that incorporates science, technology, engineering, and math. PLTW empowers students to develop and apply in-demand, transportable skills by exploring real-world challenges in an exciting and engaging way. Through pathways in computer science, engineering, and biomedical science, students not only learn technical skills, but also learn to solve problems, think critically and creatively, communicate, and collaborate. Students work though modules that consist of activities, a project and a problem. They work through three main activities where they gain knowledge and skills. Then they proceed to using those skills to investigate a meaningful project before finally transferring and applying skills in a real-world problem.

Middle School STEM Curriculum

PLTW Gateway (6-8) opens paths that create meaningful futures. It connects students to careers in areas they can, and can't, imagine.


Career Awareness Starting in Middle School

Through explorations of coding and robotics, flight and space, human body systems, and more, PLTW Gateway fuels students’ passion for discovery. As they engage in hands-on, collaborative problem solving focused on real-world challenges, students use and stretch their imaginations in brand-new ways and connect their learning to life. All the while, students step into roles spanning the career landscape – a crucial experience during this transitional time in their lives.